50 Calories

75% Less Sugar

than Skim Milk

9g Protein

Lactose Free

Milk50TM is real dairy milk (with real dairy taste).
Don’t let the nutritional facts fool you.


Never compromise when Milk50TM is in
your fridge — have the real dairy milk you
love but with fewer calories and less sugar!
With 50 calories, it’s less than skim milk,
and even your almond “milk."
The 9g of protein is the same you’d get in
your regular cup of milk, but just 3g sugar!

75% LESS

than Skim Milk

How do we do it? We start with fresh milk
from our family farms and “ultra-filter” it
by passing it through a special membrane.
The result is less sugar, zero lactose, but all
the satisfying protein (and taste!) you love.

Milk50TM comes in original,
vanilla and chocolate, and
is perfect on cereal, in
smoothies, as a healthy swap
in your favorite recipes,
or just as a satisfying glass
on a Tuesday afternoon.


All nutritional facts
are stated per serving